Humanitarianism(by Carla Carbonell Figueras and Aranzazu Sabaté Franco)


Hello, I am Bouna, I'm thirty-four, my country of origin is Africa and I was living in Senegal. I

migrated to Spain for economic reasons and in the expectation of finding work, my

experience has not been easy. I came to Spain, I had no money and no papers. It was very

hard to leave alone leaving behind my three sons, my wife and risking my life.

For me, the word humanitarianism tells me that we are all human beings and living beings.

As humans and people we have basic needs to cover (food, hygiene, clothing, etc.). When

you're at a social risk because you're leaving the place of origin without a clean break, you

think someone's going to get into each other's skin and help you in some way. That isn't

what I received or heard when I arrived in Spain.

Humanitarianism makes me think of humanity and the kind of humans in this world.

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