A future great mechanic(by Ivan Arias, Caty Buj and Jose Luis Moral)

The concept that our 'user' has chosen is friendship.
He tells us that there are two types of friendship: good and bad. He has known both. This does not mean that in the complicated path that he decided to follow, when he entered a criminal gang, he did not find good and loyal people who simply had bad luck at the time of making certain decisions. He also says that during a stage in his life he felt completely alone. Thanks to this misfortune, he now values friendship much more and has learned to value people also for what they do, in addition to how they are.
Cristian is a young Colombian who currently resides somewhere in Spain. Born in Envigado, a small city that borders Medellín, the second most populated city in Colombia.
From a humble family, when he finished his basic education studies, he began to frequent the city of Medellín, a place where he already committed petty thefts. A friend from his neighborhood told him about the gangs and the amount of money he could earn if he managed to access one of them.
A short time later Cristian perpetrated robberies with violence in houses. Ambition led him to accept jobs on his own and that, according to him, was a big mistake. The band found out about his solo chores and Cristian paid dearly for it: first he had to hide and, later, flee his country to Spain.
His current situation is not very rosy, but fortunately he is no longer afraid. He does not want to commit another crime. So he accepts all kinds of jobs, even if they are poorly paid if they allow him to survive and be able to pay his living expenses. He would like to work in a mechanic's workshop and be a great mechanic.
We hope you get it.
Iván Árias, Caty Buj and Jose Luis Moral.